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Devotionals from a Soulless Machine

A Journey of Faith through Artificial Intelligence

ISBN:  979-8-861458-38-2

by Preston Lewis and Harriet Kocher Lewis

Book One, Magic Machine Series

Does AI Have Faith?

With the release of OpenAI making ChatGPT available to the public in 2022, the authors wondered how a soulless machine would interpret biblical verses. Would the results from a godless computer be derogatory or supportive of their Christian beliefs? Using some of the most beloved verses as well as several of the more disturbing passages from the Bible, Preston and Harriet Lewis began a faith journey through artificial intelligence that provided surprising results.

Devotionals from a Soulless Machine: A Journey of Faith through Artificial Intelligence takes the reader along as these two laypersons explore how A.I. interprets God’s message and the basic tenets of Christianity. The co-authors prompted ChatGPT to develop a devotional of 500 words or less along with a related prayer on more than a hundred biblical verses, including some of the most-recognized verses as well as some of the most obscure or vile passages never covered in Sunday school lessons.

The exercise presented fascinating and sensitive devotionals that lined up comfortably with Christian values and beliefs. On a few occasions ChatGPT even declined to produce a devotional, reporting that the selected passage contained language difficult to interpret in a positive light, violating its goal of promoting positivity, love, and understanding.

This couple’s journey of faith resulted in 82,000 words of devotionals and reflections. In the end the exercise provided the authors with some reassurances about how artificial intelligence can support religious growth as well as raising questions about the technology’s long-term implications for the religious experience. Devotionals from a Soulless Machine: A Journey of Faith through Artificial Intelligence provides an eye-opening look into the majesty of Christian convictions, even in the age of algorithms and chatbots.



If we had to identify a single issue that plagues democratic societies today, it would be the declining value of truth in our everyday lives.  Everyone, it seems, lies to us.  

With their carefully tailored messages varying from audience to audience, politicians shade the truth if not outright lie to the public daily.  Today there’s more truth in the words of a robo-call scammer’s pitch than in the words of the typical politician.  

The media, the supposed constitutionally protected guardians of our freedoms against corrupt government, have been subverted by biased blinders and generate lies even when our eyes and ears say otherwise.  There’s the cable newsman that describes a relatively peaceful riot when viewers can see buildings in flames behind him or another television reporter who claims the chants of racing fans behind her are complimentary to the president rather than insulting when viewers can hear otherwise.  Those are just a few examples of the more blatant media disregard for facts, purveying their individual or corporate truth rather than reality, or hiding accusations against a favored candidate while sensationalizing similar accusations against his opponent.  

Then there are government officials at all levels from the local school board to federal agencies.  They hide behind lies to disguise their policies, hide their malfeasance, cover up their incompetence or slander their political enemies, all the time with a brazenness that insinuates the public is too stupid to know the difference or recognize the truth.

Most dangerous are law enforcement officials, whether in the police, the prosecutor’s office, the Department of Justice or the FBI, lying about the facts for nefarious reasons that could cost a person his freedom or his life.  

And to make it all worse, often these are the same individuals who proclaim that they have a monopoly on the truth and only they can define it and enforce it on the rest of us.  Social media exacerbates the problem, magnifying their lies with a giant megaphone and muting opposing voices, even when those voices are truthful.  Those who would strangle the voices of others are, in fact, the ones generally purveying the lies.  

Truth is found in God and in His Word, not in man.  Truth provides a solid foundation for trust, a commodity sorely lacking in contemporary society.  No virtue is in shorter supply today than truth, whether in the culture or in the home.

As Christian parents, we worked hard to instill the value of truth in our son and daughter from the time they were toddlers until they left home.  If our children lacked a commitment to the truth by the time they entered public schools, we feared they would be corrupted by outside influences that lacked respect for honesty and for our children’s futures.  

Consequently, from an early age we stressed to them that lying outweighed all the other mistakes they could make in their young lives.  When they made mistakes, we disciplined them.  When they lied about the mistake, they got punished twice, first for their error and second for the ensuing fib.  We explained to our pre-schoolers they were getting a swat for the mistake and two swats for the lie.  The two swats for the fib were always harder than the initial one for the mistake.  Child psychologists probably swoon over such discipline, but it was a way to impart the value of the truth to our children when their reasoning powers were still maturing.  

Because trust is built upon truth, no virtue is more important to a successful family or a successful nation than truth because it is the foundation for all trust.  That is why we begin our exploration of computer-generated devotionals with a chapter on truth.

Freedom in Truth:  Scripture: John 8:32 (KJV)

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Devotional:  In a world filled with uncertainty, confusion, and falsehood, the words of Jesus bring a ray of hope and assurance to our hearts. He proclaimed, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” These words echo through the ages, reminding us of the power and significance of truth in our lives.

As followers of Christ, we are called to seek and embrace the truth. In a society that often values subjective opinions and relativism, the truth may seem elusive and even unpopular. But Jesus reminds us that knowing the truth is essential for our freedom.

What is this truth that Jesus speaks of? He is referring to the truth of God’s Word, the Bible, which reveals His character, His plan of salvation, and His love for humanity. The truth sets us free from the bondage of sin, ignorance, and deception. It liberates us from the chains that hold us captive and leads us to a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

However, knowing the truth is not merely an intellectual pursuit or an accumulation of knowledge. It involves a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). When we come to know Him intimately, our lives are transformed, and we experience true freedom.

The freedom that Jesus offers goes beyond political or social liberation. It is an inward transformation that affects every aspect of our being. It sets us free from the guilt and shame of our past mistakes, the fear of the unknown future, and the bondage of sin. Through the truth found in Christ, we find forgiveness, redemption, and a new identity in Him.

As we journey with Jesus, we discover that living in the truth requires surrender and obedience. It means aligning our lives with His teachings, walking in righteousness, and seeking His guidance in all things. The truth challenges our preconceived notions, exposes our weaknesses, and calls us to live authentically before God and others.

Moreover, the truth compels us to share the liberating message of Christ with others.  As bearers of truth, we are called to be salt and light in a world that desperately needs the freedom found in Jesus.  Our lives should reflect the transformative power of the truth, drawing others to experience the liberty and abundant life that comes from knowing Him.

Today, let us embrace the truth found in Jesus Christ.  Let us commit ourselves to seeking Him through His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.  As we do so, we will experience a freedom that transcends circumstances, empowers us to live victoriously, and enables us to impact the lives of those around us.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for the truth found in Jesus Christ.  Help us to seek and know Him intimately, that we may experience the freedom He offers.  May Your truth transform us from the inside out, empowering us to live authentically and share Your liberating message with others.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praise for Devotionals:

Those who like to explore the Christian faith will learn something from this book. When guided, technology advocates will appreciate what AI can do, ChatGPT included. When used wisely, technology can expand learning paths and open new ideas. Preston and Harriet Lewis’s faith and knowledge of the bible from years of study provided the human balance needed to make this an exceptional and highly recommended read.   RoxB on Amazon

This book is unlike any I've ever read, mostly because it is theological at its core and it involves some investigation into ChatGPT, the AI program available to all. I was curious to pick up this book because I am very wary of AI. And in all honestly, I am wary of religion as well. I am not a religious person, and if you forced me to place a label on myself - I'd say I was agnostic. However, just because I am wary, does not mean that I am unwilling to learn. So, I dove into Devotionals and was pleasantly surprised to find a work that kept my attention and was truly a learning experience for me.  Book Chick Celia on Amazon

This was a fascinating experiment. I’m glad Preston and Harriet Lewis put this out there, and I like the way they structured it. For this Bible-believing girl, though, AI’s affirmation of my faith will never take the place of sharing the Word with a body of like-minded believers. We’re created for community, and AI can’t give us that.  Five stars for an engaging intellectual exercise and because I loved the personally written devotional chapter!  L. Henson on Amazon